Hi Community,

I have a 2 workflow in case page, the first workflow will show if type is incident, the second workflow will show if type is complain.

Now here is my scenario

1. When i create a case, then select type incident the first workflow is showing - correct

2. I change the value of type from incident to complain, the workflow also changes from first workflow to second workflow - correct

But when I change again the value of type from complain to incident, the workflow is not changing anymore, until such time you reload the page. Any idea how to fix this issue?




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Hello Fulgen,

This is an out-of-the-box behavior of the application and we've created a problem to our R&D team so they could fix it in one of future versions of the application. This is a very interesting problem and thank you for reporting it to us. Currently we assume that it cannot be changed sine it is a hard coded behavior of the application in base schemas and fix needs to be applied by our R&D team. Once this fix is applied - we will notify all our users in Academy release notes that can be accessed here.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Any idea how can I possibly achieved this scenario. I want to change the label of Approved/ Reject Button depending on the workflow bar stage:

Lets say for example if workflow bar is in Review stage i want to change the "Approve" to "Checked" and "Reject" to "Something else" 




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Best reply

Hi, you can do a business process. Reading the approval use a conditional flow when the approval is approve you modify with the modify item the stage field to "Checked" and when is "Rejected" to Something else.

I hope i can help you!

King regards!


Hi, you can do a business process. Reading the approval use a conditional flow when the approval is approve you modify with the modify item the stage field to "Checked" and when is "Rejected" to Something else.

I hope i can help you!

King regards!


It's possible to do via js development. I hope the development guide below will help you. ApprovalDashboardItemViewModel module contains approved/reject button.


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Hi Community,

Any idea how i can override the on click event of workflow bar. Lets say for example on click of 'In progress' i want to add some other logic, then based on that logic system will decide whether to allow user to proceed to 'In progress' or not. What method can I override so that i can put my custom logic ?


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Rather than override the click, maybe it would work to just wire up a change event on the property itself? See https://customerfx.com/article/triggering-an-event-when-a-field-is-changed-on-a-page-in-bpmonline/

Something like this:

attributes: {
  "StageChange": {
    dependencies: [{
      columns: ["Stage"]
      methodName: "onStageChange"
methods: {
  onStageChange: function() {
    // do something here or prompt user
    // if needed, revert back to previous value

If you need to revert back to the previous value, what I would do is store the current Stage value in an attribute in the onEntityInitialized. Then you can use that to revert back if needed (and update the attribute if you do allow the change). 

The only thing that could cause issues with this approach is if there are processes or case steps that would have already fired before you revert the change. Anyway just an idea.

I didn't spend too much time looking at the Dcm mixin to override the logic there, but this approach would be easier so thought I would suggest it. Hope this helps.


Click event of a workflow bar causes saving of a page. Before saving the page a validation happens. Please feel free to override the method asyncValidate to add a required functionality. For example: 

define("LeadPageV2", [],

    function() {

        return {

            entitySchemaName: "Lead",

            details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,

            attributes: {},

            methods: {

                asyncValidate: function(callback, scope){


                        resultObject.success = false;

                        resultObject.message = "Your message!";

                        callback.call(scope, resultObject);

                    }], scope);



            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[



            rules: {},

            userCode: {}





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