Issue on workflow based on field value

Hi Community,

I have a 2 workflow in case page, the first workflow will show if type is incident, the second workflow will show if type is complain.

Now here is my scenario

1. When i create a case, then select type incident the first workflow is showing - correct

2. I change the value of type from incident to complain, the workflow also changes from first workflow to second workflow - correct

But when I change again the value of type from complain to incident, the workflow is not changing anymore, until such time you reload the page. Any idea how to fix this issue?




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Hello Fulgen,

This is an out-of-the-box behavior of the application and we've created a problem to our R&D team so they could fix it in one of future versions of the application. This is a very interesting problem and thank you for reporting it to us. Currently we assume that it cannot be changed sine it is a hard coded behavior of the application in base schemas and fix needs to be applied by our R&D team. Once this fix is applied - we will notify all our users in Academy release notes that can be accessed here.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


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