Change the Approved/Reject button label depending on the workflow bar stage

Hi Community,

Any idea how can I possibly achieved this scenario. I want to change the label of Approved/ Reject Button depending on the workflow bar stage:

Lets say for example if workflow bar is in Review stage i want to change the "Approve" to "Checked" and "Reject" to "Something else" 




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Hi, you can do a business process. Reading the approval use a conditional flow when the approval is approve you modify with the modify item the stage field to "Checked" and when is "Rejected" to Something else.

I hope i can help you!

King regards!


Hi, you can do a business process. Reading the approval use a conditional flow when the approval is approve you modify with the modify item the stage field to "Checked" and when is "Rejected" to Something else.

I hope i can help you!

King regards!


It's possible to do via js development. I hope the development guide below will help you. ApprovalDashboardItemViewModel module contains approved/reject button.

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