I am trying to import the relationships via an excel file and have followed all the steps in making the file ready and matching the required data types etc.

The file is getting imported and I get a notification that my file has been imported but I can not see the relationships popping up under those accounts and contacts.

Could someone help me debug this or let me know if I am doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance



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I get this notification: Import complete. 1 of 1 records imported from the source file "AK_Relationships.xlsx".


The Relationship table has following columns: http://prntscr.com/mkwsvu

In order to import relations you need to populate the RelationTypeId, ReverseRelationTypeId, Active, AccountAId(ContactAId) and AccountBId(ContactBId) columns. Please note, that you need to fill in the columns with the precise names in order for these relations to be connected to the existing records. Else, the duplicates might be created.

Best regards,


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If I have an object, can I create a section with that object? If so, how?

Because I want to be able to create a sections for "Relationships" object of BPM so I can create filter folders on that section object. I need those folders to be be used another section to query and pull the account-contact relationships. 

Thank you in advance

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If you want to create section for the new object and store Account-Contact relationships in it please follow the steps in the article below: 


If by "Relationships object of bpm" you mean ContactCareer object (or other existing object) please see the article below in which you would find an instruction on how to create a section based on the existing object:


Best regards, 


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I'm trying to customize the relationship section ("Connect to" section from accounts or contacts).

I edit the page, remove one field and save it. The detail and page is created into my dev package and the I can find the "remove" instruction into the page file (so I think it's fine till now).

The problem is that the detail is not loaded from this updated sources. The original version is loaded and I can not see the change. I don't have this problem with other details from the same package or other details from other packages.

Do you know if this detail is hardcoded somehow or should I do something else in order to load  my changed version and not the initial one?


Thank you,






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If you're talking about the "RelationshipDetailPage" module, then yes - it's not a page. It's a module. I'm not sure if it's possible to override it correctly or not. However, you can always create your own detail and page based on the "RelationshipDetail" module and the "RelationshipDetailPage" module and use them instead of the out-of-the-box detail.

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Hello community I'm trying show a Contact.Type in a custom profile. But i have a error when put the diff:

		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "ContactType",
		"values": {
			"layout": {
				"colSpan": 24,
				"rowSpan": 1,
				"column": 0,
				"row": 1,
				"layoutName": "UsrLeftContainer"
			"bindTo": "Contact.Type",
			"enabled": true,
			"contentType": 5
		"parentName": "UsrLeftContainer",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 0

And the console return me:

Heading for label Contact.Type not found.


Is something worn in the code?






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Unfortunately, the out-of-the-box system doesn't allow displaying linked fields. If you want to do this, you need to create a custom control that will process the linked field. If you want only show the value without a modification option, please consider creating a new field linked to an attribute (virtual column). This way you'll need to fill the attribute in with the needed value with a method. Please search the "dependencies" keyword in an out-of-the-box js code for more information. 

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Hi all,

2 days ago I posted asking for odata query with relationship: https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/odata-joins

I solved this issue and I posted a solution for that.

I come back because I made working querys with 1/1 relationship but not 1/n for example the idea is to get all the contacts for a particular account:


I get the attached error.

Do i have an error with the relationship names? It's possible to do in bpm'online ?

Kind regards

File attachments
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Dear Uriel,

You can achieve such task by referring to the contact collection, filtering the results by Account Id. 

The request line should look like this:

// GET <BPMonline application address>/0/ServiceModel/EntityDataService.svc/ContactCollection?$filter=AccountId eq guid'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

You can find more filter usage here:


Also, in case you use $expand in your requests, please, take into account, that in this case OData is limited to not more than13 objects to return (see info box).




Anastasia, how are you?

thanks for the comment.

We need something different. The query would be from 1 to N, for example from an account bring all contacts as a collection and for each contact for example bring us all the addresses.

Thinking of an XML response we should have something like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



              <Name>Coca Cola</Name>





                                   <Address>234 street</Address>

                   <Address>2234 street</Address>






                                   <Address>234 street</Address>









thank you very much.

Kind regards


Unfortunately, possibility to expand collection is not yet implemented in the system. However, please feel free to use the above mentioned approach, as a workaround. 



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