
I know that Bpmonline supports Gregorian Calendar, what about supporting other calenders like (Hijri Calendar)


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Unfortunately, by default there are no any other calendars or Hijri Calendar time format. If you need to set up the new calendar, for example for case resolution time calculation, feel free to refer to the following article and create your custom calendar (calendar setup paragraph) https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/service-enterprise/7-15/how-setup-response-and-resolution-time-calculation

Other than that, unfortunately, it is not possible to set up the time and date format according to Hijri calendar. We will register the idea of adding more calendars in our R&D team backlog for implementation in the future application releases. 

Best regards,


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I am looking to get a couple of feature requests some feedback and up votes, so that BPMOnline can see there is a need to improve the calendar display.

If you agree with the following two feature requests I posted, can I ask you to LIKE this post and the two posts, so we can demonstrate these are features that BPM should implement or for a partner to create an extension.

Calendar Navigation

LINK - https://community.bpmonline.com/ideas/calendar-navigation-improvements


I have been having serious issues navigating around the calendar, which means it is both an unpleasant and inefficient process.

The following are suggestions on improving the navigation within the activity calendar display:

1. Add left and right arrow links to allow navigation to previous and subsequent periods of time. For example if looking at a 7 day period, clickin gon the right arrow will take you to the following week. Standard calendar navigation stuff!

2. Also I work often in a week view, but having the 7 day option means that space is taken up by 2 days (weekend) unnecessarily, so adding a 5 day (work week) option will improve this.

Screenshot sample:


Colour Coding of Entries

LINK - https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/project-resource-scheduling

Feature Request

User based colour coding on the activity calendar

When adding users, automatically give each a different colour border.

The current use of colour to indicate priority or past due, can be incorporated in another method; Title bar or text colour.

Images attached (to original post, link above) showing current issues and suggested change


Thanks for your support, as these features to me are essential to efficient usage of the Calendar display function within BPMOnline.

Mark Roberts


These would be great improvements +1

Ryan Farley,

Thanks for voting. I am really hoping to get this area improved for everyones benefit.

Dear Mark,

I forwarded all suggestions you created to our R&D team so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases. Thank you for helping making our application better! 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks Angela. I had a session with our Customer Success rep who stated that this was not going to be a feature that is on the roadmap for any time soon. This is why I am posting this up, as I would like to demonstrate that customers are not using the inbuilt functionality within BPM due to the lack of basic features such as the ease of navigation and visibility of different users when multiple user calendars are displayed at the same time.

Please vote up!

I seen Calendly integrated in the Partner Portal. later taken down. It looked good an highly functional.

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How can we create the calendar view in any custom section. Is it posible? 

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Dear Daniel, 

Could you please clarify a bit your business task? Calendar view in activities makes sense because of it's continuous nature  (from start date till due date).

Do you want to implement the similar logic in custom section? 

Best regards,


Yes, we need to replicate activities calendar view in a custom section

Hello Daniel,

A calendar is a view of the "Activities" section. The functionality of adding a new view (SchedulerDataView) is implemented in the ActivitySectionV2 schema (NUI package). The "Schedule" element responds to the data display.

I recommend to start from methods "getDefaultDataViews", "loadSchedulerDataView", attribute "SchedulerDataViewName".

Such task is very ambitious. Unfortunately, there is no detailed implementation guide, but you can implement your own idea by analogy.

Best regards,


Is it possible to develop something like this? see attachment.

i am looking for solution for convenient an centralized reviewing of all rented units (with date from/ date to) with possibility create a new rent order directly from this view. Calendar view should be scalable (month / quarter / year).

I didn't find anything like this on marketplace...

Viesturs Klavins,

There are no manuals on how to do that. However, you can try to install the FieldSales package


It contains a custom grid that looks similar to the on the screenshot. Please investigate how it was created. It might help you to find a solution.

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I am wondering about the different kinds of items available in the Outlook calendar.

Calendar item types in Outlook: Appointment, E-mail, Meeting, Contact, Task/Todo.

When my Process is creating tasks in bpm'online and it syncronizes to Outlook. The Outlook item are always of the Appointment -type.

Type in bpm'online:                   Type in Outlook (after synched):

Call                                                 Appointment

Meeting                                         Appointment

Paper Work                                  Appointment

Meeting                                         Appointment

Is there a way to make Meetings, Appointments, Todos Activities in bpm'online, synchronize as their respective types in Outlook?

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Dear Julius,

As for now there is no such functionality, but I'll inform our R&D team about this issue and suggest them to implement it. Thank you for helping us to make our application better.


Best regards,


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