Hi Community,

How to disable the Sort by and Select fields to display options for All Portal Users. We want to set a standard column layout for them, we don't want them to access this functionality


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Hello. You can add method to your section file:

methods: {


    getViewOptions: function () {

        if (this.isSspUser()) {

            return this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModelCollection");





It will hide all view options for portal users.

Hello Fulgen. 

I'm trying to do the same, but i see your question doesn't has answer.

Pedro Longa,

Please check the answer Alexander provided Fulgen with:

Hello. You can add method to your section file:

methods: {


    getViewOptions: function () {

        if (this.isSspUser()) {

            return this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModelCollection");





It will hide all view options for portal users.

Best regards,



Oleg Drobina,

Hi Oleg i need something similar about it,

Change the getViewOptions function so that only the Supervisor could change the column layout of the different sections for Employee Users


any advice?

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How can i remove the twitter and social media icons on the communication options detail area of Accounts and Contacts?

Thank you!

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In my case, I had to create a replacing schema for: Contact Communication options (old version). 

Copy all of the source code from the original schema into your replacing schema, and add the following to the diff array:

To get the same results for the Account page. replace the Account Communication Options (old version) the same way.

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Hello, in the Actions drop down menu in the portal users cases section, there is a standard option for data import. is there a way to remove that option, but leave the other options?

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Hello, Mitch!

This is a known bug and it will be fixed in future bpm'online releases (i.e., it simply shouldn't be there by default). As far as I know, if the user clicks the "Data import" button, they will see an error. 

If you'd like to add an additional level of security, I suggest removing access rights to the Excel import operation for all portal users in the [Operation permissions] section. You can learn more in the following article - Operation permissions.


For the time being, a possible workaround - In the [Configuration] section, create a replacing schema for this section with the following code:

getSectionActions: function() {
    var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
    return actionMenuItems;

Hope this helps!

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What is the best way to store private keys on BPM'Online? Is it through system settings? I am trying to setup an integration for which I need a client_id and private key to be saved on the site. I have created a system setting of type "unlimited text" for the private key. But, the decryption algorithm isn't able to process the key. I am always returned the error "END RSA PRIVATE KEY not found". I am using a 3rd party library called bouncycastle that I have imported as an external assembly to work with private keys. Any suggestions on how to work with provate keys on BPM'Online, from a best practices perspective.

Any help in this regard would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance...

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Hello Amanthena,

Usually, for storing information like passwords or private keys, the system settings with "encrypted string" type is used. Please note, that system settings with the "Secured text" type are not being transmitted to the client (browser). This process is controlled by the "UseSecureSettingsOnClient" flag in the Web.config configuration file of the bpm'online application. Their values can still be set from the client (browser).

Best regards,


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Is there a way to create a lookup of Sections without manually populating the list, i.e., is there a section of sections that can be referenced?

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Dear Janine,

You can create a new lookup based on Section in workplace object http://prntscr.com/n05t7m

As the result, you will be able to see the list of workplaces and their sections - http://prntscr.com/n05u6x

Best regards,


How do I get this associated with a column in a section?  This is what I tried:

  1. In the field that will use the lookup, I add a new lookup.
  2. I go to the new lookup in Lookups and Open Properties.
  3. I edit the Object to be Section in workplace.

When I Open Content on the lookup, it displays the sections, but when I try to use the lookup in an Edit Page, the list has no data and if I try to change the view, the Section and Workplace columns are not available to display.  The lookup object doesn't have the right data structure.

If I select Section in workplace directly as an existing lookup to add to an Edit Page, I get the error:

Property "Displayed value" is not set in the selected lookup. You cannot select values from this lookup without this property. Set this property in "Advanced settings" section and try again.

Section in workplace in Advance settings is SysModuleInWorkplace, When opened, it gives the dialog:

The "SysModuleInWorkplace" item is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive. Changes for this item cannot be saved. Continue?

Catch 22.   What do I do to get the lookup to work properly?

Dear Janine,

The message The message ' "SysModuleInWorkplace" item is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive. Changes for this item cannot be saved. Continue?' ' indicates that the object is locked for any modifications on the database level. Apart from that, this object doesn't have any display values and therefore it is not possible to add it's values to the edit page. If you need to add the lookup that would show you the section list, it would require the development process since there are no any basic tools to add such a lookup.

Best regards,



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We are using BPM'online in two languages: English and French. 

Some entries in the lookups, such as "Contact roles" correctly appears in both languages. For example, a "French" user will see "Décideur" when an "English" user will see "Decision maker", which is the correct translation. 

The issue we have is: 

If I'm creating a new entry, the French AND the English users will see exactly the same thing, as there is apparently no possibility to manage the traductions. 

How should we address this issue? 

Thanks in advance for your help! 


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Hello, Jacob!

Have you tried translating the lookup value using the [Translation] section in the system designer? You can read more about this section in the following article - https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/base/7-13/how-translate-interfa…

You can filter specific untranslated lookup values in the [Translation] section. This article might help - https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/base/7-13/how-select-specific-t… (The "How to filter data resources (localized lookup records)" section of the article)

Kirill Potapkin,

Thank you! :-)

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In bpmonline we can generate leads landing page code to be included in html of website page and its working fine.

Is there any code available for IOS and Android is available for the same usage?



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Dear Muhammad,

If mobile users use browser and HTML of your page is can be viewed in mobile browser, code should work as well. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

Any  idea how i can display the approval on each record on Section Page, in this way there is no need to open each record, approved it and go back again to section wizard.

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Dear Fulgen,

As far as I understood you - you need to create a test approval record in each section on each record. First of all you need to activate approvals for this section in section wizard. After it is done - there will be a table created in the database called "Object_name"Visa. For example it will be OrderVisa for orders, InvoiceVisa for invoices and so on. After that you will be able to create test approval records for each section using Insert query. Please take a look at the table and see which columns you need to specify (status of visa can be got from VisaStatus table).

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, thanks for your reply

Currently we already have approval on our Section, but this is only available in edit page when you open a specific record. Is there a way to show it on each record in section page,

Fulgen Ninofranco,

Approvals tab and detail sholuld be present on each record of the section and in "Actions" you have "Send for approval action" and clicking on this action you will be able to add a record in this detail. If you don't see this detail for some records then it seems that you have a business rule or some code that prevents this detail from appearing on the page. Please review all rules and the code of the page.

Best regards,


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Sometimes, some contacts are telling us that they didn't received our e-mails (sent to them in a campaign) and ask us to sent it again. 

Actually, the only way we've found to do so is: 

Contacts --> History --> Email - Bulk emails --> Click ok the concerned email --> Action --> Send test email --> entering manually the contact email and sending it. 


Is there any more "professional" way to do it? And would it be possible, in some way, to add some text to the e-mail which sent again? 


Thank you for you assistance! 



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Hello, Jacob!

Do you know exactly why the email was not delivered to some of your contacts in the first place? Did the emails bounce? 

If you can pinpoint the exact reason the emails were not delivered it would be easier to provide a solution. 

If the campaign email you are looking to send again uses a template from the [Email templates] lookup, you can send it through the action panel on the contact page. To do this, click the email icon on the action panel (1), and then click the [Templates] button on the left-hand side (2). In the template selection window (3), select the necessary template.

Kirill Potapkin,

Hey Kirill!

Honestly, we don't have any certitude about why some mails are "not delivered".

I think that some of our prospects just interact with, then delete it or put it in some folder, and then don’t really remember about it. In some case they also tell us that they remember about it but just can’t find it anymore.

All these emails are not located in the templates email lookup, so we can’t use it in the way you advise. They are all created directly in the « e-mail » menu.

Any other solution?




An alternative method to send individual emails to specific contacts:

  1. Copy the necessary trigger email in the [Emails] section (a copy is required because a standalone trigger email can only be used in a single campaign).
  2. Create a new campaign in the [Campaigns] section.
  3. Add the [Marketing email] element to the campaign diagram.
  4. Specify the copied trigger email in the [Which trigger email to send?] field. 
  5. On the campaign page, add all individual contact(s) on the [Audience] tab.
  6. Start the campaign. 

The new campaign can be used to send email copies to individual contacts in the future. Just copy the trigger email, select it in the [Marketing email] element, and add the contact(s) on the [Audience] tab.

Alternatively, you can edit your existing campaign and add the necessary contact(s) on the [Audience] tab, select the necessary campaign step for them (e.g., the [Marketing email] element which contains the email you are looking to send again), and monitor their status closely so that they don't receive any other emails included in the campaign. However, this is applicable only if the campaign is already finished.

Hope this helps!


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Is there a way to delete all of the data from any of the sections, say I want to delete all the accounts? I am looking for a way to delete all the records in the instance i.e. all the leads, accounts, contacts, any cases etc.

One way is to select all the records in particular section and then delete but when I do that, it brings out all the dependencies and therefore have to go into the records, or more dependencies to delete those records and it literally takes ages to delete them.

So I am looking for ways to refresh the instance, but not damaging or changing the packages and other settings in any fashion but just delete the records from the instance.



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Unfortunately, for now the only option is deleting records by selecting them all, deleting and dealing with the dependencies. You also can delete records using SQL Executor, however you would need to manually deal with the dependencies as well in this case. 

Best regards, 


Alright! Thanks.

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