Sections Lookup

Is there a way to create a lookup of Sections without manually populating the list, i.e., is there a section of sections that can be referenced?

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Dear Janine,

You can create a new lookup based on Section in workplace object

As the result, you will be able to see the list of workplaces and their sections -

Best regards,


How do I get this associated with a column in a section?  This is what I tried:

  1. In the field that will use the lookup, I add a new lookup.
  2. I go to the new lookup in Lookups and Open Properties.
  3. I edit the Object to be Section in workplace.

When I Open Content on the lookup, it displays the sections, but when I try to use the lookup in an Edit Page, the list has no data and if I try to change the view, the Section and Workplace columns are not available to display.  The lookup object doesn't have the right data structure.

If I select Section in workplace directly as an existing lookup to add to an Edit Page, I get the error:

Property "Displayed value" is not set in the selected lookup. You cannot select values from this lookup without this property. Set this property in "Advanced settings" section and try again.

Section in workplace in Advance settings is SysModuleInWorkplace, When opened, it gives the dialog:

The "SysModuleInWorkplace" item is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive. Changes for this item cannot be saved. Continue?

Catch 22.   What do I do to get the lookup to work properly?

Dear Janine,

The message The message ' "SysModuleInWorkplace" item is either created by third-party publisher or installed from the file archive. Changes for this item cannot be saved. Continue?' ' indicates that the object is locked for any modifications on the database level. Apart from that, this object doesn't have any display values and therefore it is not possible to add it's values to the edit page. If you need to add the lookup that would show you the section list, it would require the development process since there are no any basic tools to add such a lookup.

Best regards,



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