Virtual Detail with Editable Records

Hello All!


How would I go about adding a virtual detail that displays records from an API, but also allows for editing of the records, and sending the updates back to the API?

I have already implemented this just fine, but I need to add the ability to edit the records as well:


Thank you!


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Hello Chris,


Thank you for your question!


We are processing your request under the case #SR-0898797. Once the solution is provided by our developers, we will duplicate it on the community as well. 


Best regards, 


Hello Chris, 


In the detail, you can override the method onActiveRowChange to update data via API, calling your web service, and you can override method addRecord to insert data calling your web service. You can see the example of how the active row gets processed and records get normally stored in the system in the schema BaseGridDetailV2 in the package NUI and similarly to that push this data to your web service.


Best regards, 


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