using the 'output' of a process file element

Hi all,

I need to process files attached to a record, and i am using the process file element to get access to those files. I need to get the files itself in a process parameter, so i can manipulate them in a c# script task.  But i see no way how i can get the file or files collection retrieved by the process element in a process parameter.  What am i missing?





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You can generate the printable doc via code as well, then use the file  bytes. See

The report.Data in that code sample will give you the bytes of the file itself.


Thanks for the reply, but it's not what I'm looking for.  The documentation of the process file element says:

What to do with file? – select one of the following options:

  1. Use in process” if you need to use the file records in the process itself without saving the files to any Creatio object or if you need to pass the files to a different business process as a parameter.

My question is: how can i pass that file(collection) to a different business process (or a script taks). ..



Essentially, the process file element works with collections of records. For example, when reading object attachments from a specific record, there can be more than one attachment.

Therefore, if we need to work with this data further in a script or another process, we should handle collections of files.

For instance, if we have read some attachments and selected the 'use in process' option, we can pass the file from the collection to a subprocess with a File parameter.

 In the subprocess, this file can then be accessed through the parameter.





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