Upload Columns not available
I am trying to upload excel sheet for information related to accounts and Address, I have created few more columns under Address but these are not available for upload .
Hi Shailey,
1.click on Select column and then try to find the column .
If that doesnt work try to Update the database in configuration and check once .
sethuraghav N
In column setup of the section where you are uploading, check if you are able to see the columns that are missing .
Hi Shailey,
Also please note that, if you are trying to add data into fields that are present in another object (say Detail associated with account), You cannot map them directly. Instead you have to choose the exact object in the "select column" option like shown in the screenshot. In the screenshot (example), it is shown how you can map the "alias" field present in the "account" object, which is a detail in "order" section.