Setting default workplace for all users
How would you go about setting the default workplace (left-side nav) for all users?
Use homepage ? or you can query to change all home page in every user.
Romadan Saputra,
Not the default homepage, the default workplace - the selected navigation bar along the left side, like General, Sales, Service, Marketing, etc. I have a custom workplace I need to set as the default for all users.
Romadan Saputra,
Thanks, I had seen that setting, but wasn't aware changing the lookup was ok. I'll give that a try. Thanks.
Ryan Farley,
You can also try these steps that worked perfectly on my end:
1) Set some workplace for a system user (in my case it was "Contact center" workplace
2) Logout from the system
3) Go to the database and execute select * from SysProfileData where ContactId = 'C4ED336C-3E9B-40FE-8B82-5632476472B4' and [Key] = 'clientWorkplaceMenuProfile'
where C4ED336C-3E9B-40FE-8B82-5632476472B4 should be replaced with an ID of the system user from step 1
4) Copy ObjectData value from the returned result
5) Perform insert query to the SysProfileData table and following columns: [Key],ObjectData,ContactId,SysCultureId where ContactId should have the value from step 3, ObjectData from step 4, SysCultureId - the value for system user localization from SysCulture table
As a result all system users will have workplace specified by you in step 1.
Best regards,