Setting a default tab on a page

Hello everyone!

When a user first opens record's form page (the form page consists of a number of tabs), the user is not able to see any tab open, whenever he selects any tab and leaves the page, and then reopens the form page then the previously selected tab is opened. How can we spesify a default tab that user should see when he opens a form page?

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You can disable the feature: DisableSaveToProfileSelectedTabIndex, which is responsible for opening the last tab when entering the page, but if you disable it, the first tab should be opened when entering the page, not the last one that was opened.

Best regards,

Hello, Malika
Thank you for your response. Could you please tell me more about how I can do the solution you have suggested? I tried to change the code of cliend module, but didn't work as expected. 


I am using freedom ui pages


You don't need to change anything in the code, you can disable the feature through the system UI. To do this, use the link:, but instead of "mycreatio", it should be the name of your site. 

More detailed instructions:

When you go to the features section, you will need to search for DisableSaveToProfileSelectedTabIndex, open the record, and uncheck "enable" checkbox.


Thank you a lot Malika, for your response.
But it is already unchecked, what can i do ?


I've done several tests enabling and disabling that feature, clearing the cache, logging-off and on.. but the last selected tab in freedom ui is shown when opening the page of any record of the section (in freedom ui).

What can I do?


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