Hi guys,
When we create tasks in activities, sometimes it sends invitations via google calendar to the people included in the task. For example, we had created a task to call the person and it sent an invitation. Could you explain why?
Many thanks,
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04:55 Mar 03, 2017
Hi Felicity,
By default the system sends the invitations to all the activity participants. You may change it in the configuration, though please note that it will be changed for all the new activities regardless of their type.
To change the default settings please:
- Go to the Advanced Settings – Configuration and replace the ActivityParticipant object there.
- In the replaced object find the ‘InviteParticipant’ column and open the default value for it in the Properties.
- In the pop-up uncheck the ‘Value’ box:
4. Publish and save the object.
Kind regards,
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