Section objects and section object fields names

Hi Community,

I need to create a 2 lookup fields, the first one will display all the section objects and the second one will display all the fields of the selected object. I need to know the following

1. What is the object name of section objects?

2. What is the name of section object fields?

So that I can configure these lookups properly.

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I believe you want SysSchema (where ManagerName=EntitySchemaManager)  and SysSchemaProperty


Hello Fulgen,

1) Section object can be displayed using "Schema" object when creating lookup

2) Section object fields can be displayed using "Schema property" object when creating lookup

Best regards,


Thanks Oscar and Ryan

I tried to execute select query on both 'SysSchema' and 'SysSchemaProperty' to check its values but 'SysSchemaProperty' does not contain the fields of my section object. Please see screenshot below

Fulgen Ninofranco,

There is no way to display columns as a lookup since this information is stored in SQL server directly and it can be displayed using:

select * from information_schema.columns where [Table_Name] = 'SysAdminUnit'

this query returns all columns that SysAdminUnit table has. You can use this query to see all columns for each object separately. List of tables can be displayed using this query:

select * from information_schema.tables

Best regards,


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