Restriction in C# script


I have this code that checks is a contact/account is inactive or has all the required fields filled in. If this is true, then the user is not allowed to create a new activity.

I need to add another condition for fields in account: if Customer type = "Related account" AND Customer code is not filled in -> the user is not allowed to create a new activity.

Does anybody know how I can do this?

I tried to write it like this but I think that it doesn't read my fields properly.

Thank you!

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You can review the process in the Activity object from the Exchange package and the UpdateContactAndAccountByParticipant method in it:

If you need to compare actual IDs you can either specify them as new Guid("Id value here") or create a separate source code and specify values there and use this separate source code (like it's done in the DoCollectEmailParticipants method using ActivityConsts source code):


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