REST API - JSON Examples

I have a few questions about the BPM Data Services.

  1. ​Can I submit CRUD requests in JSON format as HTTP Requests - PUT/GET?
  2. Where can I find the API reference for Rest methods, functions/ syntax?
  3. Any addtional guides or code examples out there, beside the BPM developers guide?
  4. Is there access to REST API documentation, self documenting url maybe; similar to what swagger does? or is everything WSDL/XSD, based?

Thanks for any insight.  




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You can find the CRUD requests example in the atteched file. The only two things that the manual doesn't cover are CSRF token (you will receive it in the login request response and you will need to add it to all of the next requests). Please check how I add the sessionid key. You need to add the CSRF id in the same way. Besides, you can avoid using the sessionid cookie if you use the forceusesession key in the header of all of the requests.


ForceUseSession: true


One more thing. Please note that you need to add the CSRD key both into the header of all of the requests and to the cookie of all of the requests.…


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