Remove value on connected to
00:50 Jan 14, 2022
From looking at this screenshot, where would I be able to change the values: formal, not formal. Also it defaults to formal but I would like it to not default to anything.
This is on the contact connected to.
19:16 Jan 14, 2022
Hello Tyler,
To modify the values, you have to create a new lookup "Relationship connection type" The object name is "Relation connection type". Please add this lookup on your production website and fill it with 2 values Formal and Not Formal. Of course, you can add any other values if you like:
Best regards,
02:10 Feb 04, 2022
how can I add this back with the stock code that associated with formal? I would like to have this added back and all the functionality for when they are formal.
Thank you
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