Product Selection form - how add sort function into grid

Hi all,

Is possible to add sort functionallity into the grid located in Product selection form in Orders?

Please see image below


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Dear Ernesto,

In order to make any changes to the "ProductSelection" you need to crate your own "ProductSelectionSchema", "ProductSelectionView" and "ProductSelectionViewModel" with the necessary changes and make certain changes in order to make the system open newly created page/module instead of the custom one.  

Since it requires certain amount of work and can cause the issues in the future (if the detail/page/module will be changes during the update the newly created module can cause technical issues as it will become broken) we do not recommend changing the module. Unfortunately, there is no other option to modify the list ordering. I will create an enchantment request to add sorting option to the page by user interface in our future updates.

In case you decide to create your own product selection module, please take ProductSelectionSchema, ProductSelectionQueryUtilitiesMixin as an example. Column sorting direction is set in following way:

column.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.ASC;



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