Problem duplicate search



I have a problem with the "Duplicate search". I have two rules that search for duplicates based on Mobile Phone (for Contact) and based on CUI (for Accounts). After finishing the duplicate search I've discovered that it takes similar mobile phones or CUI. It doesn't search for identical ones. 


For examples: the search tells me that a Contact with mobile phone "0722222" is a duplicate for Contact that has "0722221". I only want to find Contacts that have the mobile phone identical.

Is there a way to set this up?


Thank you!


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Since deduplication utilizes Global Search for duplicate detection, the only way to search for an exact match of a phone number is by changing the global search template to without_ngram.json.


However, in such a case, the exact match search will not only be performed on the phone number but also on all fields.

More information about templates can be found in the article.

Additionally, in such situations, we recommend configuring the search to include a minimum of 2 fields.

For example: Name + mobile phone, Email + mobile phone, which will narrow down the search scope and provide more accurate results.

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