Possibility to add second Product Catalog
Hello Community,
We have a specific requirement to add second product catalog on Product section.
Right now there is possibility to create one structure based on eg. Product Type->Product Category.... We would like to have this one and add new one based on other Lookups. I'm wondering there isn't standard configuration for this so there should be developed. Could You give me advise which module shoud i customized ?
Dear Marcin,
Do you mean that the certain values in the product type can be selected according to the value set in the product category and you need to implement something similar to your custom fields? If I understand you correctly, then yes, you can create similar filtration using the business rules. Here is the correspondent article that tells how to do it
Dean Parrett,
Thank You for quick response but this is not excatly my case. Have a look print screen ..
I would like to implement something like "Product catalog level (second)" to display additional catalog.
Dear Marcin,
Thank you for clarification.
You can change the default catalog filtration and use your own based on required fields. Here is the chain of articles how to do it
But it will be a totally new catalog. There is no option to add additional catalogs. The default product type -> product category fields will have to be removed to create a new one.