Portal user access to his Account only



We have a scenario where a portal user should be able to see the information about his Account only.

In the Portal, the Account field gets populated with the Account which is associated with the Portal user. However, there is no means for the portal user to navigate to his Account page and view his information.

Account in Portal.png

The permissions on the Account object have been provided for the Portal user and the permission to view his Account is provided by the Business Process.

Account object Permission Portal user.png

Thanks in advance.




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Hello Madhuri,


Portal users have license restrictions, in particular, in terms of access to contacts and accounts.

This is why there is no hyperlink to the Account page. Also, the Account's portal page does not exist by default, so such a link would have nowhere to lead.

The portal user profile is a code-based exception and there is no ready OOTB solution for your idea, I am afraid.


Best Regards,


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