Partnership indicators



I'm not able to find detailed documentation for Partner Portal functionality (only examples of how to set a new one).

My question is, how the Current point indicator is calculated and how I can set the calculation conditions? 


The second issue is the current Lead number indicator - is it calculated automatically? 



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Dear Paulina,


Points are counted according to lookups Level of partner and Level partnership parameters.

Detail Partnership parameters show target values for the partner (how much they should add), not the number of leads they submitted. Detailed documentation is available here:……


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


There are 2 types of Partnership parameters - Target and Current. I've asked about the current value. I don't understand what is current value indicator and if it is calculated somehow....


I know that points are connected with level but for example from the lookup Level partnership parameters - level 1 - annual revenue value decimal 10 000 - value 50 (and the score is 60 - don't know what's this filed means). Does it mean that the partner gets 50 points when his revenue achieves 10 000? 


The current score chart display values like 8, 23, 46 - is it a sum of 

Value (integer) set for proper level from lookup Level partnership parameters?



Paulina Ściegienna,

Current value means the amount of current "values". For example amount of current leads shows how many satisfied leads the partner has. 


Yes, Level partnership parameters work like this. When the partner reaches the value specified in the Partner Param Category he receives a score specified in the score value. Each level requires a specific amount of score which is summed from all actions partner did. 


Best regards,


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