Order List of Print

dear my friend

i had some question

can i Sort or Order Print List button? on i advance setting can't find for setting that

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Dear Chairul,

In the current system version there is no option to sort the printables. Our R&D team is already aware of the request to allow the option and they are considering the possibility to include to improvement in one of the further system releases. 


thx for respone lisa,

can i custom by script? because I also want to control the list of documents for each role or group

Chairul Anwar


There is PrintReportUtilities mixin that is responsible for the printables functionality. The printable form is generated within initCardPrintForms and initSectionPrintForms methods. The click event is taken care of by generateCardPrintForm and generateSectionPrintForm methods.

To alter the logic of standard printables you need to override all these methods and add your custom filtration to them. 

Alternatively, you can develop your own 'Print' button that will call the web-service directly. The example of such functionality can be found in generatePrintForm method of  PrintReportUtilities (NUI) schema.



Lisa Brown,

thanks lisa. for advice. i can order list on print button. with order some

EntitySchemaQuery on PrintReportUtilities. one more to go for make some role function can print document.



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