Object Creation Error

Hi All,

I am getting below error while creating an Object via Configuration Setting "


Error while saving: Item with Id "11646459-ac7c-494f-af7c-6db052e70f67" not found.




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Dear, to my da gives the same error and I do not understand why it happens.

I am creating an object called "product" and it will not let me save it. If you can help me solve it, please. 


Dear AAlonso,

Have you already used you custom object in your environment? The error usually occurs if you created some custom field, bound it to some other entity and deleted the field. For example if it is used in some business process and deleted it later. Once you try to save the changes in the object - you will see the following error. Thus, if you used any columns of the object, please make sure it is not connected to any other entities in the system (for example, in the scenario with a business process, you would need to change the logic of it to make sure the deleted column is not involved in it).

Best regards,



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