
Null in Decimal or Integer Column

When nothing is entered in an Integer or Decimal field in an edit page, the field shows a zero value after saving the record.  Is it possible to turn off this behavior, so that null is an acceptable answer for fields that are not required?  For example, I don't want to test against a 0 limit when the requirement was that something pass or fail, but there is an option to enter a numerical limit if needed. Null is the appropriate answer, not 0, in this case.

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Dear Janine,

Such changes cannot be made at the application level, since a change in the default value is possible only at the database level, but such actions can adversely affect the operation of the application, since the application logic is not designed for the default NULL value for the Integer and Decimal columns.

If such changes are made to the database, this may lead to unforeseen errors, which in turn may affect the performance of individual application blocks or the entire system.



Anastasia Botezat,


Is there any update on this functionality? We would like to be able to populate an Integer or Decimal field to NULL instead of 0. Is that possible? 

Esther M,


No, it's not currently possible to perform this operation. Our R&D team is working on implementing this functionality, and their task is in the "Accepted" status. We will update you in the application's release notes once this functionality is implemented.

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