Multiple objects in one defined object


Can we define several objects in one object? Same concept as the detail but the objects can be labels or dropdown. This way, whenever we want to display all those specific objects we can do so by only defining this object.

Here is an example to make my idea clearer:

Ex: 4 labels inside an object. Then using this object in different pages to display all 4 labels instead of redefining those 4 labels in each and every page.

Is this applicable?

Thank you in advance!

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This article outlines how to create a custom control element. You could define your set of labels (or any items) in a custom control and then add them to as many pages as you'd like:…


Dear Mohammad,

There is no way to achieve such task from user interface. However, you can create such logic using means of development. Though, please keep in mind, that it can cause unexpected behavior of the basic logic. 

The main idea, is that you can create your own mixin, where you indicate needed fields. This mixin should be added to the replacing module of BasePageV2. This will ensure, that the mixin will be added to every page. There is not other way to insert custom block of fields without applying changes to each page separately.

If you want the block to be displayed only for particular pages, you can add an if clause to the base page replacing schema, so to check for entitySchamaName of the current page and display block only when conditions meet.



Thanks for both of you! This was really helpful. However as you mentioned Anastasia, using such methodology might result in losing some of the bpm functionalities.

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