Mobile - Case attachment add custom field

Hi Community,

Any idea in Mobile how can I add custom field in Case attachment. This custom field will be a lookup field, user is required to select value from this field before uploading the attachment. 

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Dear Fulgen,

Such business task requires advanced development in the system. We do not have a code snippet for such task, however, the algorithm for the case is the following:

1. You add a lookup filed to the CaseFile object. 

2. Add an attachment detail to the Case page via Mobile application wizard.

3. Create your custom generator for the file attachment functionality. You can take basic MobileFileAndLinksEmbeddedDetailGenerator as a reference and indicate it as a parent object for your custom schema.

4. Indicate this custom generator in the values section of detail insert diff, e.g.:

     "generator": "UsrMyControlGenerator.generateUsrMyControl",

5. Add filed to the case file page, make it required. You can make it required on object level, or override save method in the JS schema.



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