On Lookup Change - Freedom UI Creatio



Please note that I tried to trigger a function on lookup change using the below code:



    request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest",

    handler: async (request, next) => {

        // listen for changes to the EmployeesNumber field

        if (request.attributeName === "EmployeesNumber" && !request.silent) {

            console.log("EmployeesNumber changed", request.oldValue, request.value);



        return next?.handle(request);





and I changed "EmployeesNumber" field by "UsrTicketStatus" 

you can find attached image below:<br />
<img alt="" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="e29bb553-d205-4a9f-b729-c90862b674e0" src="/sites/community.com/files/inline-images/Screenshot%202024-01-09%20140020.png" />

What is the issue here ?

Thank you


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Hello Georges,


Are you sure that the attribute name "EmployeesNumber" is correct (and it doesn't have a name like "StringAttribute_ljc6yh6")? Do you stop at


console.log("EmployeesNumber changed", request.oldValue, request.value);


if you set a breakpoint in code at this row? The issue is that you don't receive a console message? 

Hello Oleg,


Thank you so much I checked the attribute name and changed it and it works normally


Thank you,


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