Import Multiple Notes aginst same contact


I want to import multiple notes against same contact.when i  am trying to import multiple notes it just import first one. I have records like,

Adler Merville      Note1

Adler Merville      Note2

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Dear Jaydatt N Tank,

In case you are importing it into the Contacts object the system adds the first record (a Contact with note) and then during importing the second line the system finds duplicate (contact with note1). Hence, you won't to be able to add the notes to the same contacts in this way as every new line is considered as a new record in the object.

In case you  try like this:

Adler Merville      Note1 Note2

The system will add the first note and then overwrite it with the second one. 

The only correct way to add Contact with several notes if putting notes together: ([Adler Merville]      [Note1,Note2])

With best regards,

Oliver Wingston


Dear Oliver,

Thank you so much.

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