Implement a “Maximum number of active daily programs” integer system setting, set its value to 3 (three).


Can any one help on this .Implement a “Maximum number of active daily programs” integer system setting, set its value to 3 (three).

Set up the following business logic: 4. Perform verification whenever a user adds or modifies a daily program. If the total number of active daily programs exceeds the system setting value (see above), saving a record should not be permitted. Instead, a user should receive a message informing that the number of concert halls is limited and no more than “N” daily programs can be active at a time, where “N” is the system setting value. Implementation method: handlers in the JavaScript code of the edit page with applying the client ESQ and validation mechanism.




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Dear Harish,

The answer to this post will be provide on the duplicate…

This post as will will help you with the flow you'll need to implement. See the answers on this thread provided by Anastasia

Note, the key is to override the save method so you can do your validation and then either 1) alert the user or 2) call the save method's parent using this.callParent(arguments) to allow the save to proceed.

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