How to make the Products visible in the selection page while placing an order via Partner Portal

Hello, I am trying to place an order via Partner Portal. But there are no products visible in the selection page. How to make it visible? Thanks in advance! Madhuri

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Hello Madhuri,


There are several basic things to check:


a) Lookup "List of objects available for portal users" - this object should be there.

b) Access rights - the user or role (Portal users) should be added to the read operation:

It may be done by activating and distributing access rights in 

"Product object permissions" in Object permissions section.

c) If the portal is located via SSP redirection - the following parameter should be active in the configuration:


I hope my instructions helped you. If not - please email us on with details of the issue. Perhaps there is any specific problem that may not be assisted in general terms.


Best Regards,



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