How to find number of row returned by select query
I am new to creatio. I want to find number of row returned by select query.I have reffered to this link…. In the unable to find how to use rowcount property to find row returned by select query.
var UserConnection = Get("UserConnection");
var mangager = (DataValueTypeManager)UserConnection.AppManagerProvider.GetManager("DataValueTypeManager");
var sel = new Select(UserConnection)
Could any body help me with this issue?
Nitin Jain
For a Select query, you'll either execute it as a DataReader or as a scalar result. For example, to get just the count you could do the following:
var select = new Select(UserConnection) .Column(Func.Count("Id")) .From("UsrCustomerRegistration") .Where("UsrString3").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(email)) as Select; var count = select.ExecuteScalar<int>();
Otherwise, if you wanted to use the results in some way, you could execute as a DataReader, then loop through the results just like any DataReader:
var select = new Select(UserConnection) .Column(Column.Asterisk()) .From("UsrCustomerRegistration") .Where("UsrString3").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(email)) as Select; using (var reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { // etc } }
Hope this helps.