How to display the list of Organization roles/functional roles of a system user in the System User list display?

How to display the list of Organization roles/functional roles of a system user in the System User list display?

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Unfortunately it is not possible to display the list of user roles in the system users section list view. Only the records from one entity can be displayed in this section's list view, while the user roles belong to a completely different entity. 

Warm regards, 


Thank you Matt. Is there a work around in BPM to pull list of Organizational/functional roles with the system users? Appreciate in advance!


As a workaround, you can create a new field on the User Page and then populate it with the help of the business process. You will need to read the data from the correspondent detail and enter the information into the custom field. In this case you will be able to display the field in the records list.


Lisa Brown,

Sounds good Lisa. Thank you!

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