How to deactivate default OOB DCM case for Lead
We have created 2 custom DCM cases to work for Lead and we have changed the stage fields and other settings as below
When we deploy it in the Test Environment. Default case is active, stage column is active and the column below that is not present as below. We have checked the sysDCMSettings and dcmSchemaInSettings table are bound.
Can anyone help resolve this issue.
Hello Nagaraju,
To do this you would need to open Case designer in the Leads section and deactivate all cases:
after that go to the Lookup section and open the lookup "Lead stage", display a column Show in the progress bar, and set the value in this column to No for all stages:
Finally, clear cache.
After those operations, there would be no Case management on the Lead page:
There are 2 tables: SysSchemaProperty and SysSchemaUserProperty
You can find Enabled value there.
Try this SELECT on your environments:
Select s."Name",sp.* FROM "SysSchemaUserProperty" sp
LEFT OUTER JOIN "SysSchema" s ON s."Id"=sp."SysSchemaId"
WHERE s."Name" = 'LeadCase'
AND sp."Name"='Enabled'
In development environment you will get 1 record with value = false
In testing and production environment you will get no records
So, you should write SQL script (unfortunately, you cannot bind data from this table) that adds similar record in your package
Sample (check your Id's):
INSERT INTO "SysSchemaUserProperty"
Bogdan writes:
That's not the case and you should never do that because it will deactivate all of the cases.
Vladimir Sokolov writes:
Thanks for your advice, I found a better way. First run this script on the developer machine:
UPDATE SysSchemaProperty SET Value='False' where Id='2D435333-4F54-4C22-829C-6E4C6B014889'
Then bind this data from SysSchemaProperty.
Sorry, my solution was wrong because the SysSchema.Id is actually different among environment. I enhanced the solution above by this script: (mssql)
update [SysSchemaUserProperty] WITH (UPDLOCK, SERIALIZABLE) set [Value]='false'
from [SysSchemaUserProperty]
join [SysSchema] on [SysSchemaUserProperty].[SysSchemaId] = [SysSchema].[Id]
where [SysSchemaUserProperty].[Name]='Enabled' and [SysSchema].[UId]='2D427110-3047-40D5-A7D5-5A55A7512EFE'
INSERT INTO [SysSchemaUserProperty]
SELECT '3AACEACA-EA05-47E5-86AD-8B088D5869BB','Enabled','false',SysSchema.Id
FROM SysSchema WHERE SysSchema.[UId] = '2D427110-3047-40D5-A7D5-5A55A7512EFE'
Hi all,
I have a similar problem, but I just simply want to disable the Lead DCM at all (without substituting it with a new DCM).
When I deactivate the case, creatio shows me a warning that the progress bar will be hidden:
However, when I press "deactivate case" the progress bar is still there. I have restarted redis and the iis apppool, I tried setting the "enabled" properties of both tables (SysSchemaUserProperty and even SysSchemaProperty) via SQL to false, but the DCM does not disappear!
Can anyone help me? (btw I'm using version
Many thanks,
Is there any updated recommended way to do this in Creatio now? It's frustrating that binding the disabling of the OOTB Lead flow doesn't appear to be a simple/easy thing to do. Similar thing for binding the enabled state of Business Processes.