How can I change the default time interval in date time field? by default it's 15 mins.
Thank you
Dear Mohamed,
The interval can only be changed in TimeEdit.js located in application folder. The path is: ...Terrasoft.WebApp\Resources\ui\Terrasoft\controls\timeedit
The required control can be found in the file https://prnt.sc/koasrh
Best regards,
Dean Parrett,
Dear Dean
I've edited the file, compiled all items and cleared the browser and Redis cache. But I still get the 15 mins default value.
And the instruction below still returns 15.
Ext.create("Terrasoft.TimeEdit").interval // returns 15
I think there is a missing step here. (Maybe a webpack build is needed).
Thank you
Dear Mohamed,
Try to clear Redis, restart the application and let us know if that helped.
Dean Parrett,
No, it doesn't help. I still cannot change the interval.
Dear Mohamed,
Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the root cause of the issue. I changed the “timeedit.js” file, compiled the application (compile modified items https://prnt.sc/qxzx9m ) then cleared the browser cache https://prnt.sc/qxzy4c and the interval has been successfully changed from 15 to 10 minutes. Please try to repeat all my steps.
For more detailed assistant please contact technical support.
Best regards,
Norton Lingard,
I have followed the steps, but I can't get the timeedit.js file in the dev tools.
Thank you
Dear Mohamed,
In order to change the “timeedit.js” file please do the following:
1. Please deploy an application on-site. Please find more information about it in the article by the link below:
2. Find the “timeedit.js” file that is located in the application folder. The path is:
3. Change this file and follow all next steps that were described in my previous post.
Best regards,