How to automate imports from a ftp location?


i would like to automate data imports from a ftp location (orders from a website) into bpm'online. The import should run every 30 minutes to collect the latest orders and to execute them. 

I think this could be done with a proces but the import screen does not provide the possibilty to save and rerun imports and in the proces designer i cannot find any object to start an import. Please help.

Would it also be possible to pubisch the answers online so that everyone can benefit of it?


Jan van Herp


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Dear Jan,

It is possible to use a business process to reach your aim. You'll need to use the Script Task element to configure the data import and the Scheduler to start the process every 30 minutes. 

You may find the articles dedicated to the Script Task (…) and the Scheduler (… ) in our Academy. 

Please note that for the functionality to work as described, you also need to set up the OData integration between bpm'online and FTP location. Kindly follow the link to our Academy for the detailed manual on setting it up - 

If you require any further assistance, let us know either here or via email sent to

Best regards,


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