Get Requiered fields using oData

We are developing an external application to Creatio with integration via oData.

We need to know how to obtain with odata the required fields of a schema, for example contact and the data type of each field.


Thank you!


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Hello Uriel,

Once authenticated normally, you can do a POST to the following (it's DataService, but when you authenticate for OData it will also work for DataService, even if you're using OData for the other requests):


Include the following payload in the request:


Where the uId included is the UId for the entity (you can get this from SysSchema or VwSysSchemaInWorkspace where ExtendParent = false). You'll get back a json payload with details for all columns, including the "isRequired" value for the column.


Hello Uriel,

Once authenticated normally, you can do a POST to the following (it's DataService, but when you authenticate for OData it will also work for DataService, even if you're using OData for the other requests):


Include the following payload in the request:


Where the uId included is the UId for the entity (you can get this from SysSchema or VwSysSchemaInWorkspace where ExtendParent = false). You'll get back a json payload with details for all columns, including the "isRequired" value for the column.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you! Have a nice weekend.

Ryan Farley,


I need to update, using odata, a record in Creatio, but there are one or more fields that are required to be completed, on the Creatio side (Form_Page) that are not completed and I get error when updating those records using odata.

Is there any way to skip the required field rules (fields not related to the integration) and get the object update using odata?

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