Get Requiered fields using oData

We are developing an external application to Creatio with integration via oData.

We need to know how to obtain with odata the required fields of a schema, for example contact and the data type of each field.


Thank you!


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Hello Uriel,

Once authenticated normally, you can do a POST to the following (it's DataService, but when you authenticate for OData it will also work for DataService, even if you're using OData for the other requests):


Include the following payload in the request:


Where the uId included is the UId for the entity (you can get this from SysSchema or VwSysSchemaInWorkspace where ExtendParent = false). You'll get back a json payload with details for all columns, including the "isRequired" value for the column.


Hello Uriel,

Once authenticated normally, you can do a POST to the following (it's DataService, but when you authenticate for OData it will also work for DataService, even if you're using OData for the other requests):


Include the following payload in the request:


Where the uId included is the UId for the entity (you can get this from SysSchema or VwSysSchemaInWorkspace where ExtendParent = false). You'll get back a json payload with details for all columns, including the "isRequired" value for the column.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you! Have a nice weekend.

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