Get 'Page contains unsaved changes...' message, but didn't make any change


I have an annoying bug:

I open a project page to only look at the data, don't make any changes, and when I navigate out I get the message: This page contains unsaved changes. Do you still wish to leave the page? Yes/No

Nothing is being changed by a Business process or business rule, I checked the 'modified on date' to ensure that. (also compared the project using the SQL console and they are identical before I hit save and after) 

Can you think of something?



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One way to find out exactly which field is changing is to open dev tools and go to the Network tab. Then go to the page and click Save. You'll see an UpdateQuery in the network tab that contains the column that changed. Then, you can look at the page to see what might be changing that column.


Hi Chani,


Mostly seems there is some client-side logic that sets value for some column upon page open or some other action and that's why when you try closing the page it states that you have unsaved changes. You should also study the client-side logic of the page you open.


Best regards,


One way to find out exactly which field is changing is to open dev tools and go to the Network tab. Then go to the page and click Save. You'll see an UpdateQuery in the network tab that contains the column that changed. Then, you can look at the page to see what might be changing that column.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you so much Ryan, I looked in the dev tool like you mentioned and found the field that's being modified. 

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