Get change log as a view / detail

Dear Community,


Is it possible to have a changelog as a detail?

We would like to see all the changes made to a field of an object visible in a list.

I assume that this list is being saved to an object as well?


Let's say that I create an entry in the Contact Change log to see whenever a name is changed, we can find this info through:

But it would be nice to see the list/data in a detail on the contact page itself.


Any help is appreciated, thank you!



Kind regards,



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Dear Yosef, 

I guess that you can take a look at the following marketplace application which should cover your use case:

Kind regards,


Dear Roman,


Thank you for this.

I installed it but it gave me an error... The only thing I need to know is where the info is being stored.

There should be a sys object somewhere?


Either way, thank you for the suggestion.



Kind regards,




have you found what object where the logs is stored? I have the same requirement.


Thank you

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