Frontend customizations in mobile app

Hi Community,


I have to perform the frontend customization on creatio mobile app sections record pages like I did on sections edit schema's of creatio main(web) application.


Like in edit page schema in methods property I can write my custom methods.


Please suggest me how can I achieve such customizations in case of creatio mobile app.


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Hi Akshit,


In order to add any customizations to your mobile application, you can use replacing client modules to replace the methods from the "Mobile" package (located in the main website configuration section).


Please read more about customization business-rules (for example, Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom) in the article by the link below:…


Here is an example of how blocked fields were implemented:


Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("ActivitySKU", {
    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Activation,
    events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged],
    triggeredByColumns: ["IsPresence"],
    conditionalColumns: [
        {name: "IsPresence", value: true}
    dependentColumnNames: ["Stock"]






Hi Anastasiia ,


This is my custom workplace in mobile wizard called PO


This is custom seection I have added inside PO workplace call Purchase Order 


This is my custom module where I am applying simple IsRequired Business rule on two text fields of Purchase orders section.


This is the moblie app manifest called "UsrMobileApplicationManifestPOWorkplace" file where I have added my module under ModuleExtension.



I have tried the same module in case default workplace and its working perfectly fine but I don't know why this is not working in case I have created custom workplace.


It's very urgent. Someone please respond to this.








According to your first screenshot provided, it seems that you haven't indicated the parent object to the replacing schema module. Could you please double-check it? 




Hi Anastasiia,


I think we need to create a custom module rather than replacing schema module to write the logic of business rule. 


Please let me know If I am wrong.




Hi Anastasiia,


Appreciate your help with this.



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