Dear community,
I want to know how can I do the following thing :
I've synchronized my mailbox, and when I receive a mail, a case is created automatically, but I want to create a filter.
Create a case with all mail received on my mailbox except those which have as a subject the word "Test :"
I've tried to make a filter in a process, the Predict field values for Case process
But it doesn't work.
Linked to this post, I join several pictures in order to have a better understanding of my question.
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Cases from emails are created in the process "Incoming email registration process". To not to create a case from the email with Test in subject you would need to change a script task a little. For example like that:
try {
_log.InfoFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{0}]|Process was started", Get<Guid>("RecordId"));
lock (_syncLock) {
Guid recordId = Get<Guid>("RecordId");
var userConnection = Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");
var emailsList = GetActivityRecordsId(recordId);
foreach (var email in emailsList) {
_log.InfoFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{1}]|Start register case for ActivityId:{0}", email.ActivityId, Get<Guid>("RecordId"));
try {
var id_of_activity = email.ActivityId;
var result = "";
var selectQuery = new Select(userConnection)
.Where("Id").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(id_of_activity)) as Select;
result = selectQuery.ExecuteScalar<String>();
if(email.CaseId == default(Guid)) {
if (!result.Contains("Test"))
email.CaseId = RegisterIncidentFromEmail(email.ActivityId);
if(email.CaseId != default(Guid)) {
var parentEmails = emailsList.Where(emailRecord =>
emailRecord.ParentMessageId == email.Id);
foreach(var parentEmail in parentEmails) {
parentEmail.CaseId = email.CaseId;
var schema = userConnection.EntitySchemaManager.FindInstanceByName("Activity");
Entity entity = schema.CreateEntity(userConnection);
if (entity.FetchFromDB(parentEmail.ActivityId)) {
entity.SetColumnValue("CaseId", email.CaseId);
_log.InfoFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{1}]| Case was created during this process activity with ActivityId:{0},
set CaseId:{2}", parentEmail.ActivityId, Get<Guid>("RecordId"), parentEmail.CaseId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.ErrorFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{0}]| Message: {1}, CallStack: {2}, InnerException: {3}",
Get<Guid>("RecordId"), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.InnerException);
_log.InfoFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{1}]|End register case for ActivityId:{0}", email.ActivityId, Get<Guid>("RecordId"));
_log.InfoFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{0}]|Process was finished", Get<Guid>("RecordId"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
_log.ErrorFormat(@"[EmailSyncSessionId:{0}]| Message: {1}, CallStack: {2}, InnerException: {3}",
Get<Guid>("RecordId"), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.InnerException);
return true;