Error occurring on Start Campaign


I created a campaign, once i try to click on button "START CAMPAIGN" than below error message screen popups. I'm not sure about this issue.

Any help will be highly appreciable.



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Dear Muhammad, 

It seems like you need to set up your system bulk email settings. To resolve this issue, we need the following details:

1. We need your campaign error logs. Could you please find your campaign in the section and open the logs In the opened page, please add the new column 'Error details'  through the 'Select fields to display' option

Once you have the error description column set up, please take a screenshot of it. 

2. We need to make sure you have your email validated. To check this, please go the emails section, choose actions and go to gulk email settings Here, please take a screenshots of the General settings and Sender Domains tabs

Since the settings contain your particular environment data, it is better to take a closer look into the issue in therms of the technical support investigation. Therefore, once you take all the screenshots, please send them as well as the name of your instance to our support team via email at We will help you to resolve it.

Best regards,


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