We have a Lookup "LifeStyle Questions" and it is having 3 main columns as "Questions" ,"Answers" and "Answer Type"(like Boolean , Text, Date")
below are the some example of Questiones.
- ¿En la actualidad es Usted miembro de cualquier fuerza armada?*
- ¿Practica o piensa practicar en forma regular y/o permanente ya sea de forma aficionada o profesional de algun deporte o pasatiempo
¿Realiza o piensa realizar algun viaje como piloto en vuelos No regulares?*
I want to show this look up data in expandable list so that user can answer these Question in freedom UI and i can save their answer in a data model called "Questionaries". Refer the below image, how it should look like .
We recommend using the "Expansion Panel" component instead of the "Expandable List" component to include the lookup fields. For these fields, specify the desired question in the "Title on Page" property. This approach will create a form with questions and answer choices, allowing you to save the results in the "Questionaries" data model.
Best regards,