Download a file at client side

Hi all,

I've a XML file as a Stream at server side (C#).

I'm trying to download it at client side.

Any one has a clue on how to do this ?


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In order to implement the functionality of downloading  XML file on client side please create a web service that will return the file as a Stream. Please find the instruction how to create a web service in the article by the link below:

On the client side using Ext.Ajax the request to the newly created web service can be made in order to get the data.

There is an example of Ext.Ajax request to the web service below:

var requestUrl = Terrasoft.workspaceBaseUrl + '/ServiceModel/UsrService.svc/' +



                    url: requestUrl,

                    success: function(response, options){

                        var objAjax = response.responseText);          


                    failure: function(response, options){




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