Display Order Data in project section


I would like to add the payment status data within the Financial Indicators tab of the Project detail pages. This will allow our team to easily see information that can help them determine correct responses.

The Opportunity is connected to a Project and the Order, but when I add a 'New Detail' to the Financial Indicators with the following settings, I get no output:

  • Detail - Orders
  • Detail Column - Opportunities
  • Object Column - ID

I have tried other variations, but so far no output. I would be thankful for any guidance on how I can show the following information on this Financial Indicators tab:

Order Number       Payment Status





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Dear Mark,


Detail setup has the following logic: 

"Detail" is the name of the detail in the system.

"Caption on the page" is how it will be named on the page.

"Detail column" is an object in your detail that is equal to the current record. If you are adding Contact detail to accounts then you select Account as detail column since each contact has an account and you will see all contacts with Account = Current record when you open this detail. 

"Object column" is a column that specifies what will be shown in detail. Usually, it is ID of the connected record. 


Try to apply similar logic to your architecture to see which field to use as "Detail column" - maybe it is missing in the object? 


Best regards,


Hi Angela


Thanks for your reply. I have not been able to identify the correct combination to use so far.


As the Order is not directly connected to a Project, instead each are connected to the same Opportunity, I concentrated on trying both of these as the Detail, but no success so far.





Mark Roberts,

Then you need to check that records added to detail have needed columns. So that when you add a new record into detail Project, the project must have the same opportunity as in Order. Thy to add Opportunity field in detail to track if is added or not. 


Best regards,


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