On Delete trigger

Hi everybody


In a detail, I use the Sandbox mechanizm to catch the save operation and use it in the section page like this:


        onSaved: function(response, config) {

            this.sandbox.publish("UpdatePackageTotals", null, ["myTag"]);




What function should I use to catch the delete operation ?

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The function you want is 'onDelete'.

Section pages adopt it from the base schema, 'GridUtilitiesV2', so if there are any further methods you want to capture related to the rows in a section page, you can find some in that file.

Thanks Jordan but I don't think it's working

Please note that the GridUtilitiesV2 dosn't include the function I mentioned onSaved that is invokes and working properly. Meaning, on save event it is invoked and sends message to the SandBox.

On the other hand the onDelete function is not invoked so I guess the Card Schema inherits from other schema.


Also please note that I use the onSaved function on the Card Schema not on the Edit Page, if it has any meaning.

Does someone has any other idea on how to catch the delete operation ?


Anyone can help ?

How can I catch the delete operation in the Card Schema ?

(Maybe I need to catch ot in the Detail Schema ?)

In a detail this is the deleteRecords method. 


You can find the parent of the "Card Schema" module in the configuration section. There you'll find the exact method that you need.


Thanks Eugene but what I'm looking for is to catch the delete operation from within the Card Schema of the detail.

This function is not triggered in that schema.

Do you have other suggestions ?

A сard schema of a detail doesn't contain a delete button.

Thanks Eugene for you answer.

This detail is converted to an editable detail so it does have a delete button, I need to catch the delete operation on the Card Schema of the detail. I do use the onSave function but can't find what is the function that is triggered on delete.

if anyone has a sloution?

Oren Diga,

>This function is not triggered in that schema.

Yes. Because it's in a detail. It's not possible to catch it on a page. Please consider using messages.


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