Decreasing Prices

Is it possible having several prices for a product.

Or does a module exists for the problem below:


1 unit cost 15$

5 units cost 13$

10 units cost 10$


And more: can we have a specific decreasing prices for each client ?


1 unit cost 14.48$ for the CLI0001

1 unit cost 14.46$ for the CLI0002

1 unit cost 14.46$ for all clients

5 units cost 12.95$ for the CLI0001

5 units cost 12.78$ for the CLI0002

5 units cost 13$ for all clients





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Dear Nicolas,

You can use "Price list" functionality in order to setup different prices for different clients. First fo all you need to go to "Lookups" section and find a lookup called "Price lists". There you need to create one test record firstly (so to test the functionality). After that you need to go to "Products" section and choose some test product. When you open a page of this product you need to go to "Prices and availability" and find a detail called "Prices". Here you need to add a record for your new value from "Price lists" lookup and specify new price for this value.

As a result, when choosing a product in order you can choose between price lists (all you need is to display "Price list" column in "Products" detail And in such a way you can control prices for products for specific clients. Here is also a common Academy article regarding product's page here.

Best regards,


Dear mate,

Thank you for your reply. It's ok for the clients specifics prices with the products and only one price for each product.

But can we have decresing prices with the products quantities for each clients ? Do we just have to add qttmin and qttmax to the lookup ?

Best regards,


LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Dear Nicolas,

There is a discount field in "Product in order" detail and you can specify discount logic for your needs. For example set 5% discount if amount of units is equal or greater than 10 for the product with 900 dollars price will look like this The only problem is that this vlaue of discount cannot be changed dynamically upon record adding to the detail wit hthe help of a business process, but it can be changed on modification of record and you can create a business process that will read value of "Quantity" field and compare it to the parameter and after that it will update discount and re-calculate "Total" field.

Best regards,


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