Customer Multi Lookup Field in Lists


How to make a Customer Multi Lookup visible in a list?

I know that there are two fields in the database. Contact and Account. But I want to show only the Customer field in the list of e.g. Opportunities.


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Hi Oliver,

we create new text field 'Customer name' in Opportunity for such case. It is calculated in the process (when Opportunity is added or Account/Contact is modified) and can be shown in the list.

But it will be just text - not a link

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

Thanks for your answer,

I had also thought about writing the info in a separate field.

Of course it would be better to use the existing "virtual" field.

Also because of the link function.




Oliver Herzog,

It is possible to update/modify the Multiple lookup object for a single column. In the current scenario, Customer is a multi-lookup column for both "Account & Contact".


Remove "Contact" or "Account" in the multiLookupColumns property.

Add the below attribute in your "OpportunityPagev2"

attributes: {
			"Client": {
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Client"},
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
					"multiLookupColumns": ["Contact"],
					//"isRequired": false

The result will looks like below,





Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

thank you for your answer.

But I don't want to remove the function of the field.

I simply want the content of the multi-field to be displayed in the overview list (as in the screenshot in the first post).


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