Creatio Mobile Application Not Working

Hi Creatio Team,


I followed all the relevant steps shown in the documentation of Creatio Mobile App setup and have got and stored the files necessary for debugging the mobile application in my system and also have made the necessary changes in the .bat file present in it to launch google chrome portable 79 which has its folder stored in D drive.


But , When I run start_webkit_emulator.bat  file to launch the Google Chrome with the settings page of Mobile Creatio application, Once I log in to the instance It shows server error as follows:


Please Help me resolve this issue as soon as possible. 


Thanks in advance


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Dear Sarika,


Thank you for your question!


This error is not related to the Google Chrome Portable issues, but rather to the website you are trying to connect.


You may find more information on this error if you would press F12 in the browser`s console.


Have you installed the Pharma (Field Force) Marketplace extension lately?

If so, we would recommend deleting it and the navigating to this link and downloading a fresh new version of Pharma that has all the fixes applied to it (as we have has cases when the Mobile Application website has not been accessible because of some errors in Pharma`s schemas):


If the error persists, we recommend contacting us at 


Hope this clarifies!

Thank you!






Danyil Onoprienko,


I tried to login multiple times with my localhost creatio instance that has its username and password both as 'Supervisor' which is very general. Also I have checked the same instance on Other Chrome versions also.Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the username, password or the site which I'm trying to work on.


Also, I tried using demo login also which is there on the login page of mobile creatio tab in google chrome portable 79 but it shows the same server error problem. 


The error in the console window is as below:


Please provide me a solution for this asap.


Sarika Sharma,


Thank you for letting us know!


In this case, please try:

1. Using your IP address rather than "localhost";

2. Transferring your website to HTTPS:…

3. Check the "Session state" in your IIS; 

4. Check the cookies mode - make sure that it is set up to [Use cookies] and that the [auto] mode is turned off


Hope this helps!






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