Creatio Developer Certification Test

Hello Community!

I will take the Creatio Developer Certification Test.

Which is the structure of the Exam ? Besides the Practial Task is there any Theory Test?

Which is the right path to follow to pass the Certification ?

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Hello Petrika, 


We would like to ask you to contact our colleagues directly  at, so you'll be able to clarify all the questions. 

Thank you for understanding!


Best regards,


Thanks Anastasiia!

Hi Petrika, 

In my expirience the certificacion examan generally consists of 2 parts, 1-The practical task/homework, 2- Theory Test/Multiple  option online exam.


You can train for the Multiple  option online exam here:…


Good luck!


Thanks very much!

I would like to ask, the practical task is done first ? The Theory test is done second ? How much time is available for the practical task ?

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